WGT 5.1 Troubleshooting Guide ----------------------------- Problem 1: When I set the palette with wsetpalette, all the colors remain black. Solution: You should have set the palette beforehand with wsetrgb or wloadpalette. If you have loaded the palette, make sure the file is in the correct directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 2: When I use wfade_in, wfade_out or other palette functions, "snow" appears at the top of the screen. Solution: This screen disturbance occurs when you change many palette colors at once on poor video cards. Try settings fewer palette colors at once with wsetpalette, or use a larger delay if you are fading the colors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 3: When I use wfade_in, wfade_out, or other palette functions, the palette never changes. Solution: Some palette routines require you to call wsetpalette to actually change the colors. These kinds of functions just change the values in the palette array but do not tell the VGA card they have changed until you call wsetpalette. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 4: When I load in a picture and a palette, the picture does not display on the screen. Solution: WGT's image functions load all images into a buffer, not onto the screen. This means you will need to display the image on the screen using wputblock. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 5: When I load in a picture and a palette, the palette is not correct. Solution: You must call wsetpalette to use the palette from the image. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 6: I am using wputblock or another image display routine and all I see is a jumbled mess on the screen. Solution: The image you tried to display was not loaded or allocated. If you try do display a pointer which is not initialized it will display whatever is in memory at that point. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 7: Some of the example files do not seem to work right, and I must use a control break to end. Solution: Many of the examples programs require a mouse to operate. Others require a certain keypress or mouse button to be hit before ending. Make sure you read the introduction before each example to see what keys you can use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 8: When using a SVGA program, only the top third of the screen is updated. Solution: You must run a VESA driver before using the program. The problem lies in the bank switching code for you particular video card. Without a VESA driver, WGT doesn't know how to switch to other banks of video memory and output is limited to the first 64k of the screen. Running a TSR such as univesa or uniVBE beforehand will fix this problem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem 9: When using the mouse routines or within the Map Maker and Sprite Editor, the mouse cursor hotspot seems off, the cursor image is incorrect, or the mouse movements are jerky. Solution: The mouse driver you are using is not fully Microsoft mouse compatible. Cheaper mouse drivers do not define the default settings the same way and can cause various problems with mouse routines.